These are a selection of illustrations, drawings and paintings etc. that I have done as personal projects.
I will be selling artwork shortly so keep checking back for a link to shop if you are interested!

medium = chemicals; fixer, developer

Experimented with photo processing chemicals working on photographic paper and using a brush dipped in the chemicals at varying strengths to create light and dark areas. In other pieces looked at casting light and shadow with this technique, see these below.

* Click photograph for full screen image *

medium = PVA acrylic paint mix

For a fluid medium to work with I combined PVA with a black acrylic paint to get the right fluidity and a raised finish. I then used a knife to drip and scrape on parts of the drawing. Through a series of paintings I explored with this method how much control you needed to regain to keep a legible and recognisable image.

* Click photograph for full screen image *

medium = chalk, Pastels

Life drawing using only line strokes to shade and bring shape to the form.

* Click photograph for full screen image *

medium = Ink

Life drawing using ink and water for a series of quick poses. Another piece from this series can be found at the top of this page.

* Click photograph for full screen image *

medium = chalk, charcoal

Life drawing on black paper using chalk to focus on highlighted areas and charcoal for shadow and darker areas.

* Click photograph for full screen image *

medium = thread

Experimented with creating some illustrations using a sewing machine and working onto fabric.

* Click photograph for full screen image *

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